Saturday 15 December 2018


Coffee is made from the beans of the coffee plant. The beans are dried, roasted, the flavour of coffee beans depends on the variety. growing conditions and roasting technique.
Coffee is a popular beverage at many social gatherings, especially when adults are present.
you can also serve it with a meal or desserts.

Popular Coffee Beverages

  • Espresso - A strong coffee brewed by forcing very hot water under pressure through finely ground. darkely roasted coffee beans. Espresso is typically served in a small cup.
  • Cappuccino - A coffee beverage comprised of one part espresso, one part steamed milk and one part frothed milk, it is often served with a sprinkling of cocoa or cinnamon powder.
  • Caffee Latte - A coffee beverage of italian origin prepared in a mug by adding steamed milk espresso, italian syrups in flavours like hazelnut and almond are often added.
  • Cafe Mocha - A coffee beverage prepared by mixing chocolate syrup or powder and steamed milk with espresso, this beverage may be topped with whipped cream.

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